‘If you consciously let your body take care of you, it will become your greatest ally and trusted partner.
– Deepak Chopra
Orientate towards health
ag amas air slàinte
If you are breathing, you are alive and you have a story to tell.
Through a range of techniques, we are able to get in touch with your heart, and be able to provide comfort to the soul.
Our techniques help to reframe negative beliefs, build resilience and discover safety & regulation, amongst many other things.
If you wish to explore the embodiment of your own story in more depth – choose from HeartMath, Craniosacral, Compassionate Inquiry, Pastoral or Spiritual Counselling or QEC for individuals or small group sessions.

Awaken and attune to your heart to build resilience, capacity and sustainability across the four domains with our certified HeartMath coach, Frankie.

Quantum Energy Coaching
trèanadh lùth quantum
Reframe negative beliefs, resolve existing trauma and create new pathways to move forwards via the safe, simple medium of QEC, or Quantum Energy Coaching.

Discover profound healing to move towards safety, stillness and regulation via a Craniosacral treatment. Craniosacral treatment is a physiological, psychological and emotional readjustment.

Pastoral, Spiritual Counselling
comhairle spioradail agus aoghaireil
The poetry and writings of St John of the Cross have been a lifelong passion and interest for Frankie, learning how to integrate your day to day life within your spiritual journey.