Creating the space to build healthy relationships and community, learning through stories and the arts

Our Intention

‘We want parents and children to realize their potential for healthy relationships and creativity within their own circle of family and friends.’

To this end,

‘We will create a tender environment that is welcoming, inviting and attractive enough to transcend barriers of anxiety, isolation and shame’

‘We will use the creative arts and stay with you while you learn, we will encourage engagement, support curiosity and provide opportunities to experience the benefits of creativity and connection.’

Why are we doing this?

Healthy relationships are the biggest predictor of good health and happiness. A life that is rich with supportive, joyful relationships is likely to be productive, content and satisfying. Access to and opportunities for play, imagination and creativity are essential to physical regulation, good
emotional and mental health. In healthy families and communities these experiences are shared and meaningful connections that generate
joy, laughter, encouragement, affirmation and hope enhance a sense of belonging.

What are our Products and Services?

  • Shows, musicals and exhibitions that have an accompanying resource pack to explore the relational themes within the stories.
  • Tenderness Days where we create an environment that is conducive to learning about relationships and creating experiences, moments, songs, stories, art and friendship.
  • Individual sessions from a range of modalities that support regulation, healing and connection.
  • Social events such as ceilidhs, picnics, shows and general informal get togethers for no particular reason besides eating, talking and playing.

How we achieve our vision


‘anam cruthachail’

From the Glasgow Acting Academy, to the Edinburgh Fringe and coming soon to a stage near you, Anam Alba have been able to bring the power of healing to life through the magic of song, dance and storytelling.


‘anam caomhalachd

Creating experiences, moments and self-discovery, our Tenderness Days allow you to explore your relationships with the most important people in your life, and the world around you. These events are rooted in the importance of connection.


‘anam sòisealta’

We specialise in the science of connection with walks for our wellbeing, craft days for our creativity, ceilidhs for our energy, and everything else in between, our social occasions have something for everyone.

Health & Wellbeing

‘anam sunnd’

Listen to your heart and understand how to regulate your emotional system, understand your triggers and rewire your thinking with our range of health & wellbeing courses, including HeartMath and our new Tenderness Days.

We’ll go on this journey, together.

thèid sinn air an turas seo còmhla

We are all entitled to tell our story, to understand our own life, who we are and what we have experienced irrespective of background, age or status. Each one of us is entitled to explore how, and why, we make sense of the world around us the way we do. Understanding our own behaviour and our own patterns, thoughts, feelings and health is a fundamental right for all.

What makes you happy? What makes you sad? What makes you feel afraid? What makes you feel safe?

Each and every person, by virtue of being alive, moves through life wondering, exploring, reaching, making choices regardless of circumstances or geography. Such wisdom, insight, intuition and compassion are the property of all.

Our mission at Anam Alba is to make accessible to you the tools and resources that may help you to make sense of and explore your own life story.

Our vision

ar sealladh

Our Vision is to use the creative arts to restore embodiment post-Covid.  We want to help people rediscover a sense of being grounded within themselves and in their surrounding relationships.   We will create spaces and opportunities for people to connect, sharing their stories and build community. We want to help people restore confidence, worthiness and value. Creative activities resonate with the embodied self. This ignites a sense of aliveness which in turn nurtures the innate desire to be in mutually, purposeful and fulfilling relationships with others.

We are not focused on making you feel better, we are focused on helping you to be better at feeling.

We want people to find the singer, the musician, the artist, the performer, the writer, the story-teller in themselves. We will facilitate jobs and projects for young people where they will work together and use their enthusiasm and talent to draw people of varying backgrounds and generations together.

As we create these opportunities, we will celebrate and share those experiences.  We will encourage the growth of supportive friendships and the formation of intergenerational communities, where embodied Joy is a salve to the loneliness in the world today.

Connect with Anam Alba

Upcoming Events

Stories from The Little Bird

The stories of our team, our journeys and our Anam Cara, brought to you through the voice of “The Little Bird”