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Winter Warmer Ceilidh
December 2, 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Get your tickets here.
This is Scotland in winter! The nights are dark, it will probably be raining and cold. And, on top of all that – you are expected to dance! The kind of dancing that is mostly energetic jumping and spinning. The kind of dancing that needs three months of cardio training and foam padding.
It gets worse! If you survive the first round of learning which jump happens where and, on whose toes, you should land; the band will ease off, lull you into a rest …. before inexplicably starting up for a second round by which time you are dizzy, sweating and can feel your heart in your ears.
Have I sold this so far?
It is really my attempt to reassure everyone that dancing is not compulsory.
Traditionally a ceilidh is a gathering where people can socialise, stay warm and connected during winter. An Anam Alba ceilidh is a Carlsberg ceilidh, i.e., the best kind.
We have two very good reasons for you to come;
Firstly, we will have hot chocolate, mulled wine, Irn Bru muffins, Christmas gifts, friendship boxes and crafts on sale alongside music, dancing, songs and special guests.
Secondly, you will be made welcome by the Anam Alba family. In a time when the world is full of distress, violence, anxiety, unpredictability and loneliness it is easy to stay scared and isolated. You may feel less able to seize the day or trust that opportunities for laughter and friendship are available.
We believe that building good relationships and community is the best way to transform fear, loss and despair. We belong to each other and being together gives us courage, purpose and strength.
‘I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me. When you do this for one another, you do this for me.’ Matthew 25
When we tend to each other we live, breathe and create the world as we would wish it to be.
We invite you to join us in our celebration which will be one small light of Joy and Peace in the world this Christmas.